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准备迎接世界杯了吗? 猜猜他是谁! 提示四: “他帮助巴西国家队获得1994年世界冠军。”
- 《巴西狂想曲》系列2:《猜猜他是谁》二部曲是188金宝博推出的《巴西狂想曲》优惠系列的其中一个优惠。
- 此优惠适用于所有注册时选择人民币的会员。
- 优惠活动时间从北京时间2014年03月31日中午12点至2014年05月01日中午11点59分(GMT+8)。
- 此优惠包括4个活动周,每周为期7天,从每周一12:00(GMT+8)开始到下周一11:59中午(GMT+8)。
- 活动期间,188金宝博会上传一个部分被遮盖住的人物图片在本优惠的优惠规则和条款旁边,符合资格的会员必须猜中图中人物的全名。在每个活动周,188金宝博都会发布一条关于图片中人物的线索(整个活动期间共发布4条线索),会员可以选择在任一个活动周提交答案,但每位符合资格的会员,在优惠活动期间,只有一次提交答案的机会。
- 由于每个活动周的难易程度
活动周开始日期及时间 (GMT+8)结束日期及时间(GMT +8)线索活动周 12014年03月31日 12:00中午2014年04月07日11:59中午“他曾是西甲的最强射手”活动周22014年04月07日12:00中午2014年04月14日11:59中午“他来自巴西”活动周32014年04月14日 12:00中午2014年04月21日11:59中午“他被认为是史上最伟大的前锋之一”活动周42014年04月21日 12:00中午20144年04月28日11:59中午“他帮助巴西国家队获得1994年世界冠军”活动周开始日期以及时间 (GMT+8)结束日期以及时间 (GMT +8)积分免费投注(RMB)活动周 12014年03月31日 12:00中午2014年04月07日11:59中午1040活动周22014年04月07日12:00中午2014年04月14日11:59中午830活动周32014年04月14日 12:00中午2014年04月21日11:59中午625活动周42014年04月21日 12:00中午2014年04月28日11:59中午520
- 符合资格的会员,需要在优惠期间使用注册邮箱发送邮件至promo@188service.com,邮件内容包括:
- 邮件主题:YouKnowWho-0314-CN
- 邮件内容:188金宝博用户名和猜测人物的全名。(为避免认知错误,请一定要提供全名。)
- 如果符合资格的会员在优惠期间提交多次答案,188金宝博将以最先收到邮件为准。
- 正确的答案,即图中人物的真名将于2014年05月07日在188金宝博网站上揭晓。
- 一旦猜出正确人名,积分奖励将会自动注入给会员,积分详情可咨询在线客服人员。而免费投注奖金,将于48小时内打入用户体育优惠账户中。
- 奖金在提款前需要达到以下要求:
- 免费投注在提款前有5倍的投注要求。如果在90天之内没有达到投注要求,奖金以及所带来的赢利将被取消。
- 提款前用户需要至少存款50人民币。
- 取消或无效注单,或投注欧盘水位低于1.75或亚盘水位低于0.75的盘口的注单,或投注在输赢各半的游戏中的注单将不被计入投注要求。
- 188金宝博有权随时暂停或终止此优惠。
- 188金宝博是本次促销的唯一仲裁者,其决定是最终决定。
最后更新于2014年04月22日中午12:00 (GMT+8)
RTBS Promotion 2: You-Know-Who part 2
Warming up your grey cell with 188BET style. Guess who is our “You-Know-Who! Clue 4: He helped Brazil National Team become 1994 World Champion.
- RTBS Promotion 2: You-Know-Who 2 (“the Promotion") is one of the promotions in the series of the “Road To Brazil Series” promotions running on 188BET.
- The Promotion is open to all 188BET members who have chosen RMB as their preferred currency ("Qualified Members").
- The Promotion runs from 31st March 2014 12:00PM to 28th April 2014 12:00PM (GMT +8) ("the Promotion Period").
- The Promotion Period consists of 4 promotion weeks where each promotion week of 7 days begins every Monday 12:00PM (GMT+8) and ends on the following Monday 11:59AM (GMT+8) ("Promotion Week").
- A pixilated banner photo of a person will be uploaded by 188BET on the Promotion Page and the Promotion specific terms and conditions. 1 clue will be published on the Promotion page of the 188BET website in each Promotion week (altogether providing 4 clues over the Promotion Period) in connection with the person featured in the banner photo (“Featured Person”). Qualified Members must correctly guess the Featured Person’s full name. For the avoidance of any doubt, Qualified Members are entitled to make only 1 guess as to the identity of the Featured Person during the Promotion Period.
Promotion WeekDate/Time Start (GMT+8)Date/Time End (GMT +8)CluePromotion Week 131st March 2014 12:00PM7th April 2014 11:59AM“He was a top goal scorer of La Liga”Promotion Week 27th April 2014 12:00PM14th April 2014 11:59AM“He is from Brazil”Promotion Week 314th April 2014 12:00PM21st April 2014 11:59AM“He is widely regarded to be one of the greatest strikers of all time.”Promotion Week 421st Apeil 2014 12:00PM28th April 2014 11:59AM“He helped Brazil National Team become 1994 World Champion.”
- Depending on the Promotion Week in which the correct guess is made, Qualified Members will be awarded with “Road To Brazil” points (“RTB points”) and a free bet (“Free Bet”) as illustrated below.
Correct Guess Sent In During Promotion WeekDate/Time Start (GMT+8)Date/Time End (GMT +8)RTB PointFree Bet (RMB)Promotion Week 131st March 2014 12:00PM7th April 2014 11:59AM1040Promotion Week 27th April 2014 12:00PM14th April 2014 11:59AM83064,00014th April 2014 12:00PM21st April 2014 11:59AM625Promotion Week 421st Apeil 2014 12:00PM28th April 2014 11:59AM520
- To participate in the Promotion, Qualified Members must send an email to promo@188service.com using their 188BET registered email address during the Promotion Period, indicating:
- Email subject: YouKnowWho-0314-CN
- Email contents:
188BET User ID
Name of the featured person
- In the event that a Qualified Member submits more than 1 guess as to the identity of the Featured Person during the Promotion Period, only the first email claim received by 188BET from such Qualified Member will be considered valid.
- The identity of the Featured Person will be revealed on 188BET website on 7th May 2014.
- Upon a correct guess being made, and in accordance with clause 6 RTB points will be automatically accumulated to the “Road To Brazil” Promotion, whilst the Free Bet will be credited into Qualified Members’ 188BET Sportsbook accounts within 48 hours of the identity of the Featured Person being revealed and , subject to completion of necessary verification. Members are able to ascertain their total RTB points at any stage by contacting Customer Service.
- The following conditions apply before any withdrawals can be made:
- a. The Free Bet is subject to 5 times rollover requirement. Before any withdrawals can be made. Should the rollover requirement above not be met within 90 days of the time the Free Bet was credited, the Free Bet and any winnings attributable will be forfeited
- Qualified Members must make a minimum deposit of RMB 50.
- Only wagers in 188BET that generate a win/loss return will contribute to the rollover requirement. Cancelled or void wagers, wager on odds less than Euro 1.75 or Asia 0.75, or wagers on both even-chances during a single game will also not count towards this requirement.
- 188BET reserves the right to amend or withdraw the Promotion at any time.
- 188BET is the sole arbiter of this promotion and its decision is final.
Last Updated: 22nd April 2014 12:00PM (GMT+8)